Gość/guest: Alberto Toscano
Prowadzenie/chairing: Paweł Mościcki, Elena Vogman
Organizator/ka: Widok. Fundacja Kultury Wizualnej
Gość/guest: Alberto Toscano
Prowadzenie/chairing: Paweł Mościcki, Elena Vogman
Organizator/ka: Widok. Fundacja Kultury Wizualnej
W pierwszej rozmowie z serii Ekonomie obrazów będziemy gościć Alberto Toscano, który opowie o tym, jak patrzy na swoją książkę po latach oraz jak poruszana w niej problematyka rezonuje z aktualnym kryzysem kapitalizmu i wojenną eskalacją. Spotkanie rozpocznie się od krótkiego wystąpienia naszego gościa, po którym przejdziemy do rozmowy i pytań uczestników.
Alberto Toscano jest krytykiem kultury, filozofem i tłumaczem. Profesor w School of Communication na Simon Fraser University i professor teorii krytycznej oraz współ-dyrektor Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought na Goldsmiths, University of London. Jest autorem m.in. książek: Cartographies of the Absolute (2015, wraz z Jeffem Kinkle) i Fanaticism: On the Uses of an Idea (2017) oraz współredaktorem The SAGE Handbook of Marxism (2021) i książki Ruth Wilson Gilmore Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation (2022). Jest także członkiem komitetu redakcyjnego pisma Historical Materialism i redaktorem serii Italian List w wydawnictwie Seagull Books.
ENG | In an impressive and inspiring book Cartographies of the Absolute Alberto Toscano and Jeff Kinkle drew on a vast panorama of interconnections between capitalist system and visibility. From the analyses of the current state of the society of spectacle to new modes of representing the social realm and its inner conflicts in visual arts, film and TV series, Toscano and Kinkle analyzed the way in which capitalism traverses the most general as well as the most intimate dimensions of our lives. How it shapes visual narratives and our modes of perception and thinking. After all, as they have written, capitalism is “a religion of everyday life, an actually-existing metaphysics”. This resolute endeavor to read through the latest stages of dominant ideology sets the high standard of critical theory and visual culture analysis.
In the first conversation of the series Image Economies, we are going to talk to Alberto Toscano about his book but also about how the reflections from Cartographies of the Absolute resonate with the current crisis of capitalism and escalating war. Our guest will present a short lecture followed by the conversation with Elena Vogman, Pawel Moscicki and the audience.
Alberto Toscano is Term Research Associate Professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University, and Professor of Critical Theory and Co-Director of the Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought at Goldsmiths, University of London. He is the author of Cartographies of the Absolute (2015, with Jeff Kinkle) and Fanaticism: On the Uses of an Idea (2nd ed., 2017) and the coeditor of The SAGE Handbook of Marxism (2021) and Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation (2022). He is a member of the editorial board of Historical Materialism and series editor of the Italian List for Seagull Books.
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